Sero! Pilot Program

A Mutual Benefit

You get:

  • A free Sero! subscription 
  • Continuous implementation, professional development, and technical support
  • Early adoption of an award-winning platform that offers promise for increased student engagement, teacher effectiveness, and academic growth
  • Publication opportunities, if that’s your thing

We get:

  • Teammates to help shape the future of assessment
  • Access to learners and their data for use in evaluating efficacy and efficiency and creating publishable case studies
  • Feedback so we can continue to improve our software
  • Honest reviews from teachers and students about their experience using Sero! to help guide our implementation strategies

Join these forward-thinking partner organizations!

Your success is our success!

Steps to enroll

1. Apply to be a Pilot Program participant
Educators, school or district admin, and researchers are eligible to enroll their class, university, school, district, or organization.

2. Once accepted, schedule your on-boarding workshop
We will meet (virtually or in person, as available) to guide you through the implementation and piloting process.

3. Start using Sero! in your classroom
Our team will support you in creating assessments; collecting, interpreting and utilizing data; and addressing any technical issues.
